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Pr Dr Veerle Somers - Dr Judith Fraussen

Characterising B cell functions in multiple sclerosis


40.000 €/2 years
Universiteit Hasselt / Biomedisch Onderzoeksinstituut (Biomed)

In this project, the function of B cells in the progress of multiple sclerosis (MS) will be examined in further detail. Previous research conducted by the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED) has led to the production and characterisation of autoreactive B cells from MS patients using the B cell immortalisation technique. Now the antibody specificity and pathogenicity of these B cells will be studied in further detail. In addition, the antigen-presenting function of B cells in MS patients and healthy individuals is examined. This will provide greater insight into the progress of the disease, but could also lead to the identification of new candidate autoantigens in MS.