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Prof. Bieke Broux - Prof. Niels Hellings - Prof. Piet Stinissen - Prof. Veerle Somers - Dr. Judith Fraussen - Prof. Markus Kleinwietfeld - Dr. Bert Opteijnde - Dr. Liesbet Peeters - Prof. Tim Vanmierlo - Dr. Leen Slaets - Dr. Baharak Hosseinkhani

Study of the immune system of MS patients, using advanced spectral flow cytometry.


120,000 €/ 2 years
UHasselt - BIOMED
By looking at the immune system of MS patients from different angles, we will gain better insights into the disease process. Using spectral flow cytometry, we can now immunologically map our large MS cohort in a very detailed manner.

De geavanceerde technologie, spectrale flow cytometry, zal ingezet worden om een enorme hoeveelheid aan immunologische data te verkrijgen van de goed gedefinieerde MS-cohort binnen het Universitair MS Centrum (UMSC) en de Universitaire Biobank Limburg (UBiLim). Vanuit verschillende onderzoeksgroepen zal een bijdrage geleverd worden, waardoor we een volledig immuunprofiel verkrijgen van elke individuele patiënt, waarvan ook uitgebreide klinische gegevens beschikbaar zijn. Dit stelt ons in staat om bevindingen te vertalen naar nieuwe biomerkers of therapeutische targets. Flow cytometry (FCM) is a technique in which particles, molecules or cells are passed through a laser beam at high speed, after which they are counted and characterised. This advanced technology will be employed to generate a massive amount of immunological data of the well-defined MS cohort of the University MS Center (UMSC) and the University Biobank Limburg (UBiLim). Different research groups will provide a contribution, which will result in a full immune profile of every individual patient, of which extensive clinical data are available. This allow us to translate findings into new biomarkers or therapeutic targets. To keep up with developments in this field and to make our immune profiles even more complete, we want to acquire a flow cytometry device. 11 research teams have joined forces for this purchase and the Belgian Charcot Foundation will cover half the cost of this device.