Grant 54.000 € / 2 years Prof. Dr. Ghislain Opdenakker and his team The project The search for new protein changes in multiple sclerosis Rega Institute for Medical Research, KULeuven et UZ Leuven Detail of the grant
Grant 27.000 € Prof. Dr. Giulio Muccioli The project Evaluation of the effect of NAAA inhibition on the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice Université Catholique de Louvain, BPBL Research Group Detail of the grant
Grant 27.400 € Prof. Dr. Niels Hellings and Dr. Bieke Broux The project Interleukin-24: a new player in MS inflammatory reactions? Biomedisch onderzoeksinstituut (BIOMED), Universiteit Hasselt Detail of the grant
Grant 45.000 € / 2 years Dr. Judith Fraussen and Prof. Dr. Veerle Somers The project How aged B cells contribute to MS pathology Biomedisch onderzoeksinstituut (BIOMED), Universiteit Hasselt Detail of the grant
Grant 47.490 € Prof. Dr. An Goris The project Investigating demyelination in multiple sclerosis using a multi-disciplinary approach Laboratory for Neuroimmunology, Department of Neurosciences- KULeuven Detail of the grant
Grant 37.000 € / 2 years Prof. Dr. Jerome Hendriks, Dr. Jeroen Bogie and their team The project Boosting lesion repair in multiple sclerosis by preventing lipid overload in phagocytes Biomedisch onderzoeksinstituut (BIOMED), Universiteit Hasselt Detail of the grant