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Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that affects over two million people worldwide. Patients may suffer from a wide range of disabling complaints which are not always easy to treat. Although cannabis is best known as a psychoactive recreational drug, it is also increasingly associated with a variety of positive medical effects.

Young adults and MS

Multiple sclerosis is the commonest neurological disease  affecting young adults. In patients under 30,  treatment needs to be adjusted accordingly.



155 days of research

There are many ways to support research: on the occasion of a wedding, a birthday, a neighbors' party, a BBQ, being sponsored during a race or a walk. It's all up to you: our "Action" platform is waiting for you here.

The 104 runners of the Charcot team of the 20 k - Brussels 2019, set an example: together they raised enough money to fund 155 days of research in multiple sclerosis! The next edition of the 20 km will take place on May 31, 2020 and registration will begin on December 15, 2019.